The following is an incomplete rough draft of beginning to tell the story of "Cam Living and the Young Men who Choose to Live it." You are more than welcome, even encouraged to critically critique, and/or add additional information and/or perspective into the writing. You are also welcome to submit a completely different approach and conclusion. If your contribution is chosen to be a part of this article, or to stand alone, please indicate in what way your content should be acknowledged (member name, screen name, or real name). You may include info, etc. in the comment section or submit any or all to the

As long as our world is made up of those who are either modest human beings or those who subscribe to a moralistic view which excludes certain options--nudity, masturbation, or the viewing of full-blown sex, there will continue to be a category known as pornography (porn). What is considered to be pornography seems to change with each generation. What was once viewed as pornography can now readily be seen in mainline movie theaters and on our home viewing systems, under the rating designations of PG and R.

Before the current rating system, American culture used a black and white standard: Example, holding hands in public was a display of affection which is a private matter and therefore not permitted in public. Victorianism, modeled after Queen Victoria's ideas of what Polite Society was about and what it was not about, played a strong role in determining these black and white issues. The television censors of the 1950's kept Victorianism alive, with the quiet approval, and sometimes not so quiet approval of the 1950's churches and church life.

The United States was founded upon much more liberalized thinking--anything not expressly forbidden by the constitution is left to the States to re-determine its admissibility. If the life conduct of our Founding Fathers was any indication, they would not have been happy with the introduction of Victorianism into the United States. They, themselves, might have been black balled under that system of belief. Nevertheless, the United States citizens of that day were responsible for it and apparently chose to live by it. Times change and so do people.

Prostitutes are those who sell themselves for a limited period of time to convincingly act out a role which plays the part of a highly sexualized person who is being "stimulated" by the individual paying the bill. It has been suggested that an actor is acting out a similar role for the entertainment value paid for by the one viewing the activity, be that the Producer of the film and/or the consumer/viewer.

what can be said of today's new product line of anyone with a computer and related cam and internet, being able to become a "sexual actor" of sorts. We now live in the time of the cam performance, where how well you perform determines how much money you can make, all else being equal.

Today's young men (and young women, for that matter), grow up in a more than ever before liberalized society, having perhaps the least amount of exposure to a set and learned pattern of "acceptable conduct for a Polite Society." Today's standard is "as long as it doesn't hurt anybody." Accidental stranglings have increased but is not reported yet as epidemic.

Young men are usually won over with the argument that since you take care of your daily personal needs anyway, why not do it and get paid for it? Point well taken, especially since working a minimum wage job gets you only between $7.25 and $8.25 an hour (not all States are the same). The "Adult Industry" can be quite lucrative if one is able to perform sexual acts that do not necessarily come natural to one. For the heterosexual male, doing for pay, those things which come completely natural are the very things which do not pay a young man very well--although admittedly more than minimum wage! 

A heterosexual male willing to entertain and perform before an audience of primarily homosexual men, can hypothetically earn any amount. In my limited experience, I have witnessed the earning of an hourly rate anywhere from $100 an hour to $1,300 an hour. This is accomplished through the "tip" method which makes it fluctuate and be regularly erratic--but rarely under $100 an hour--depending on talent and appearance.

So the question becomes, "Is it just that simple--looks, talent, and the willingness to 'act' with another heterosexual male, or at a minimum, act singularly before a generally friendly homosexual audience?" Yes and No, depending on your interpersonal, family, and relational circumstances.

. . . 

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